Monday, August 11, 2008

What I CAN Do

I can't make myself go into labor, but I CAN use this day to accomplish something productive while I play the endless waiting game.

I CAN pray for a friend who's discouraged right now.

I CAN send e-cards to all of my relatives who are remembering that my beloved Grandpa died one year ago tomorrow.

I CAN help Ali paint a pretty picture for my parents to celebrate tomorrow their 29th anniversary.

I CAN love my kids and care for their endless needs and be the mommy they need me to be today.

I CAN show my husband appreciation and love.

I CAN work on chores to get the house even more ready and more tidy than it was yesterday!

I CAN always do laundry!!! (Never ending......)

I CAN take a little extra time to read to my kids and spend time one-on-one playing with them.

I CAN take time to chat with my neighbor.

I CAN go to Bible Study and be encouraged by the fellowship of other godly women.

I CAN see if my box of peaches is ready for jam-making.

I CAN take advantage of the time to sleep/nap while I still have the chance.

I CAN take care of those little last minute things like shaving my legs, painting my toenails, scrubbing the toliet, making up an instruction sheet for Alathia and Jeremiah's care while I'm in the hospital, etc.

I CAN trust that God will bring our son in the perfect timing!


Anonymous said...

What! You mean you can actually REACH your toes to paint them??!! I always give up on all those below the waist details after 7-8 mo. along. I can totally relate to everything you've said in your preggo posts. It does seem to be all-consuming at the end when you feel like a time bomb & everybody else is on alert. When you have all those annoying, supposedly useless contractions, just tell yourself that's one less you'll have to live through during labor. I had a couple pregnancies that were like that at the end & it resulted in a very quick delivery. My midwife always tells me each contraction helps bring the baby where it needs to be.

Remember, nobody's been pregnant indefinitely - it has to end sometime! This was a great post - keep focusing on those CAN's. :-)

You're in my prayers.

Thia said...

You can shave your legs? I am impressed! I did mine the other day and needed a nap after. That is one task I am done with until after! LOL. Tomorrow I fix my toe nails.

Lesley said...

Sorry about the false labor!! It has got to be one of the most frustrating experiences but just remember that your body is doing what it's supposed to be doing to get ready for the real thing and that it is likely very close to the big moment.
I found your post a bit hysterical, though because Sam is the same way -- always wondering and questioning me about contractions. I sometimes feel like such a bearer of bad news -- "Yes, I've had them all day and they obviously aren't doing anything!"
I like your attitude, though and it reminded me of some thing I should be doing as well.
I've pretty much accepted the fact that I'm going to be pregnant forever -- that way, I may be pleasantly surprised someday. Clever thinking, huh. :)

R Dvorak said...

When I was pregnant with Jalinda (my first) and I'd have mini contractions. My mother-in-law and all her sisters wanted to know exactly when I was "in labor" and since I had not ever been in labor before, I had no idea what to say whenever I saw them. So I just clung to Jonathan. He was my shield against questions. And when he had somewhere to go, I tried desperately to figure out a way to tag along. As a result when the day arrived for real contractions and labor PAINS, I was away from home clinging to Jonathan. We sat in his Bethel Seminary Night Class with twenty other students all trying to listen to the profession while I squeezed the arm of the chair. Finally I had to leave the classroom because I was being too disruptive. That night we were in the hospital and the following day Jalinda was born.

My comments to your post is this: enjoy this time and don't expect perfection from yourself or others, you are simply making history and creating a story to tell for years to come. God will be with you all even in frustration. :)

You are a wonderful mom and an uplifting blogger. Keep up the great work!

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