Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Doctor Appt. Update

Well, I was hoping not to have to make today's doctor appt. but that was not to be. I had to undergo the usual and that's NEVER fun in my opinion! The good news is that my cervix is very soft and the doctor thinks once REAL labor starts, I'll go quickly. The bad news is that my cervix hasn't rotated down yet, as it is supposed to before a baby can be born and you can dilate much further, and therefore it was very difficult for him to check (not to mention one of the most uncomfortable things I've endured) and it is not very effaced and only dilated about 2-3 cm.

The baby seems ready to go though and the frequent bouts of contractions over the past 5 nights are always a good sign. 5 nights of very little sleep hasn't been easy, but at least hubby was able to go to sleep last night at 9 p.m. and catch up some sleep. Lately Justus thinks it is fun to play soccer or basket ball in my tummy, get hiccups and squirm from about 11 or 12 until 2 a.m. and therefore even without contractions I can't sleep until about 2 a.m. This is the most active he's ever been. At least it's comforting to know he's alive down there.

I wasn't disappointed by the doctor's news because I really feel like time is flying and though it feels like an endless wait, I know it won't be long. The thing that has sent me into somewhat of a panic today is the thought of my in-laws coming so soon. I would have preferred some time to recover and spend with the baby without company but they have to come next week as they have a deadline for work. They need to leave here the 24th, I believe, and so they will likely be coming out next Tuesday or Wednesday, less than a week away! While it will be nice to have their help with the kids for 5 days and see them, as well as get our van (yeah!), once they leave, I'm pretty much on my own. My mom starts school right then too and King Jo is taking his vacation next week as well so he can spend time with his family. Even though I have wonderful in-laws who are not demanding and do help out a lot, I have always found it to be very tiring and stressful to have company. I have also found the week after childbirth to be one of the most emotionally stressful stages of life as you are dealing with pain and hormonal weepiness, and fatigue. Combine in-laws, post partum healing, and a hubby who will be busy entertaining and spending time with his family and it sounds like a recipe for disaster or a total Mrs. Jo melt-down!

So, today I am feeling the added pressure to "have the baby." As in, if I don't "have the baby" soon, the grandparents will miss even getting to see him! Yikes! It's not like I can do anything about that even though I wish I could! It's not that anyone is verbally pressuring me, but the circumstances crush around me and everyone is holding their breath, watching and waiting. Even my mom is getting several calls a day asking for baby news!

So, this is an update on our life today. Be praying for us to be peaceful and content no matter what happens in the coming days. It would have been wonderful to have had a June or July baby, but the Lord knows best and I need to trust that He is with us in this. Perhaps I will have a very quick and easy delivery and recover quickly and perhaps my in-laws will take the kids to the park and exploring for a week so I can sleep at home with the baby!


Thia said...

I am sorry you didn't have some better news. Of course, despite the "news" you do know that women have gone from closed tight to holding babies within 24 hours. That is why I hate internals! (Okay, just don't go visiting my blog).
Hope you get some rest tonight!

Thia said...

(The reason I said not to visit is that you'd probably be able to call me a hypocrite)

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