Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Baby, More Fatigue

Well I guess King Jo also loses the baby guessing game since today was his day and he was SO SURE the little guy would make an appearance on the 14th!

I had NO contrax last night and he wasn't even terribly squirmy and I STILL couldn't sleep! I don't know if it's the naps I've been taking due to my exhaustion that keep me from sleep or if it's terror and fear of the impending labor, but for whatever reason, it seems that 2 a.m. is my new bedtime! I awoke from a horrible dream at 5:30 a.m. In my dream I was reading a birth story on the internet and the woman kept describing how she had felt this horrible, excruciating back pain. I kept reading it and reading it and couldn't escape this blog post until I finally woke up and realized that I was the woman and I was experiencing horrible low back pressure. Almost like a contraction that doesn't end. Not just your back being sore or out of place, but like a contraction without the cramping and releasing. I painfully rolled out of bed and proceeded to take a burning hot shower for a half an hour, which helped a bit and then King Jo got up and massaged me for a bit before work. Since this is the most pain I have had so far, I thought it might end up to be something. But after only about 6 contrax this morning, the pain went away after an hour and so here I sit, no more back pain and no action whatsoever! I feel like I'm caught in a bad dream that never ends and I just might be pregnant forever!

It's also nearly as bad to have to think about an impending labor (that is, if you've experienced natural childbirth at least once or twice before) rather than just going through it. Some women just instantly go into labor and 2-10 hours later they have a baby. No time to really even think about it or imagine how it will feel. They just do it. On the other hand, I have had hours and hours of pain-anticipation and emotional rollercoasters of being terrified, uncertain, excited, hopeful, disappointed, etc.
The full moon is coming this weekend and many folks believe that more babies are born during the full moon because of actual physical reasons (we're not talking new age-y theories of moon worship or anything.) Jer was born during the full moon time, so maybe the idea has merit.

I feel like Thia and I are twins now! She's a blogging friend stuck in the same exact place I am with her 3rd pregnancy and we are both over 39 weeks. We met through this blog and we are both so anxious for it to all be over!
The fatigue and pregnancy spacy-ness are definitely taking their toll on me as I started driving down MAIN STREET yesterday in the far left lane! Good thing we live in a small town and there was little to no traffic! Someone take away my keys!
The awesome thing is that I have AMAZING friends who are going above and beyond to help encourage me through this time. Thanks Shiloh for the bag of Hershey's Bliss chocolates you sent over yesterday! My goodness, I was craving quality chocolate and they hit the spot! (Did you go to Walgreens yesterday??? *s*) My other wonderful friend is bringing dinner by and a gal from church invited my kids over to play today for a few hours to give me a break. So, I really can't complain because life is good and it will all be over soon.


Shiloh said...

Yes, I did! How could you tell? :) I am soooo glad they hit the spot!

Thia said...

Oh my, yes, the dreams! It's crazy isn't it, especially when you get woken up from them.
I am sorry you are getting so much pressure from those around you and family. And that they're actually verbalizing it! The nerve! As if you aren't the uncomfortable one. As if you want to be pregnant forever...
Anyways, if we have the babies the same day, I will laugh my head off.

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