Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Time on the Computer?

Meredith had a great question for my blog readers. Please share any tips you may have for her!

"How do you limit your time on the computer so that you tend appropriately to your family? I need limiting ideas."
My personal tips: I try to only be online during the kid's sleeping times. That means that I have 30 minutes to an hour in the morning while Jer naps during which Ali colors or watches a children's video. I also shower and get ready during that time. Since my kids are still both taking naps, I have my "mommy break" of the day for a couple of hours while they nap from 1-3pm. I'm not a big napper, so instead of a nap, I relax with a couple of hours on the computer (and often a piece of dark chocolate or other snack *s*). Some ladies may feel guilty doing this because they think of all of the housework that needs to be done, but I know that this little break rejuvenates me and is worth it considering the many hours I put in each day as a mom. Since we live in a tiny apartment, I can't do much cleaning or cooking during this time anyway as it would keep the kids awake. I do walk down and switch laundry loads during this time and catch up on letters or bills if needed. Usually, my hubby gets the computer after the kids are in bed, but he's been going to bed earlier so I can sometimes get on after he's in bed or on the night he is gone to help with the Youth Group. On weekends I get online during the day if King Jo is playing with the kids or running errands with them or they are napping.
While I'm not 100% perfect at following my own computer boundaries, (there are days when I may need to look up a recipe when the kids are awake or may need to send an urgent e-mail I forgot about), I really try to give the kids the time they need and not be glued to the computer all the time. I don't want them to think all their Mom cared about was the computer and they were left in the dust and weren't worthy of my attention. They need constant supervision, eye contact, and training so it's nearly impossible to type or read on the computer anyway when they are awake and active. It's so much more frustrating for me personally to try to be online when they are awake so that it's not even worth it, which is another reason I try to stay off when they are awake.
When Jer gives up that morning nap (he's close to it) and there is another baby in the mix, I'm sure I will have less time on the computer. Indeed, on busy days where we have morning outings or errands, or on days when I need a nap to survive I hardly spend any time on the computer, unless I get an opportunity later in the evening. There may be stages of my life where early mornings before anyone is awake is the best time to get on or late at night when everyone is in bed. Right now nap time is the preferred time for my schedule.
Some tips I would suggest for limiting yourself:
Set a timer. Set a realistic goal for yourself and jump up when the timer rings.
Evaluate where you are wasting time or having trouble with limiting. Choose some favorite sites and the blogs that encourage you the most and forego the extras. There are always more sites out there than we can possibly visit each day, even if they are interesting and inspirational.
Spend some days doing one thing, and other days doing other things. I read a few of my favorite blogs daily in about 10 minutes time, but I catch up with the bulk of my friends' and family's blogs about once or twice a week. I tend to write a few posts all at once in a rush of inspiration and then have a day where I don't post on my blog at all, but spend my computer time reading blogs or printing coupons or catching up on e-mails. I have found myself at times with lots of time because my favorite bloggers are all on vacation so it is during these times that I check out new sites, look for new recipes, or catch up on the many links to Frugal Friday posts.
Go to the computer ready. Write your blog posts in your head throughout the day and have your camera uploading pictures to your computer while you are vacuuming or washing dishes so they are ready and waiting. I downsize and sort photos while I'm on the phone sometimes so they are ready for a snappy upload and I often write blog posts in the shower, in my head. If you know what you want to say and you have a plan for what needs to be accomplished on the computer during your allotted time you will make the most of it and get a lot done, leaving you plenty of time for your family too.
While certain friends of mine have no desire to blog or read blogs, for me, blogging DEFINITELY builds character and helps me grow as a writer and sort out my thoughts and feelings. I love the accountability of it too, as I focus on various goals (Making my Home a Haven, Project Minivan, Project Preparation, Investing in Alathia, etc.) and have to "report" back to the blog how I'm doing. Since there aren't a lot of young Christian mothers in my community, it is such a blessing to me to have the inspiration of connecting with like-minded Mamas in the blogging world and gaining wisdom from their ideas and experiences too! I am so glad that I can stay in touch with old friends and family via blogging also! Because I have gained so much through blogging/reading blogs (just ask my hubby how much more inspired and motivated I am as a wife/homemaker and how much I've learned to save through couponing!), I desire to continue to keep it in my schedule so long as it doesn't take over my life and take away from my time with family or my duties as a wife and mom. It's something we all have to constantly be evaluating and watching since it's so easy for hours on the computer to slip by and it's so hard to say no to ourselves.

1 comment:

The Three 22nds said...

I also plan my blogs out ahead of time! And I keep a list by the computer so that I am not trying to remember things I have to do. I don't usually spent long amount of times on the computer. I pop in the office and check email/blog updates several times throughout the day, but in most cases it is just <5 minutes. Only once a day when I actually blog do I spend any more time. The 2 monitors help and the high speed help so I can multi task. Most of the blogs I read don't update every day either.

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