Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making Your Home a Haven Week--Fun!

Boy, this one is tough! Today we are supposed to think of something FUN for our homes to create a haven for our families. Somehow it's easier for me to jot down lengthy lists of what needs to be done, rather than come up with ideas for making today extra fun at our house.

Some things that come to mind:

A tea party (like Monica is planning with her girls)
A Reading Fiesta (make a tent blanket in the kids' room and read lots of books to them)
Turn on fun kids music and dance with them around the house
Do a craft (Ali was begging to do a craft yesterday)
Make muffins or cookies with them
Invite Uncle Coco over for supper

I guess I'll choose one or two of these ideas and report back tomorrow on how things went! I'm still playing catch-up from yesterday on many of the chores that just didn't get accomplished off of yesterday's list! I did finally get the floor mopped and vacuumed, made supper, went to library story time, and babysat for some friends for an hour at their house. I am learning that with three little ones it's very tough to accomplish all of your goals in a day, but I try to make sure that above all else we have time for God and Bible stories/songs/prayer no matter what other chores get forgotten.

1 comment:

Melissa Stuff said...

You could also try letting the kids play in the bath tub with their washable paints. They think it is BIG stuff and the tub/shower will simply wipe clean after they are done. It also helps teach them how to clean themselves as they try to remove every speck of paint from their bodies once they are done.

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