Monday, February 22, 2010

Thank You!

Dear Blog Readers,

It's a little bit sad and a little bit exciting to bid The King's Missus goodbye and say hello to the new blog name/design.  I appreciate ALL of the new name suggestions and all of your input on my polls.  So many of you had CUTE ideas; I loved so many of them and was thrilled to see that all of you are more creative than me when it comes to naming things! 

Kristin wins the naming competition with the name "Faithful Homemaking."  It was tough to choose amongst all the good suggestions, but my mom really liked Faithful Homemaking and it seemed to fit the content of my blog and the desire of my life well, plus you all voted it in as the favorite!  To be faithful is to be steadfast in our allegiance to Christ.  I want to glorify God and make much of Him in my homemaking; which is where God has me for this season.  I'm not always a faithful homemaker, but it is my pursuit to be one!

I'll be contacting Kristin about her prize!

Thanks to Jesse Blasdel for sharing the poem with me posted on my sidebar.  It fit perfectly with the new name for this blog.  If you still lived here in WY, I'd be sure to make you a HUGE plate of zucchini brownies to say thank you Jesse!

Bear with me as I figure out my new blog design.  It's already changed twice tonight.  I'm looking for a free, easy-to-cut-and-paste template that fits my style.  So, it may change a bit over the next few days until I find my fit.

Soli Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

LOVE the new blog look!

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