Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Healthy Lunch

Looking for healthy, low-cal meal ideas? This is one of my favorites:

Veggie Burger between two slices of whole wheat bread

Cheddar cheese

Homemade Hummus instead of mayo

Serve with green tea, iced and a piece of fruit and you have a yummy lunch at only 300-400 calories.
I look for good sales on veggie burgers and buy the Eating Right Safeway brand (made of brown rice, mushrooms, and cheese).

My hubby would gag if I served him this, but I love it!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I love those, too! The Morningstar Farm ones are really good, too, if you can get a good coupon. Their's include black beans. Actually, I really like all the Morningstar Farm stuff. My kids love the corn dogs and the 'chicken' nuggets. They are expensive, but I have gotten $2/1 coupons before. I finally got my husband to try a black bean burger, and much to his surprise, he liked it! We are Catholic, and Lent is coming up, so non-meat meals are something I need to be thinking about. :)

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