Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine Fun

King Jo got me a lovely bouquet and some little chocolate kisses! Tulips are my favorite flower and he got me 2 pink tulips for the 2 girls in our family, 2 purple irises for the guys in our family, and one sprig of baby carnations for our baby-to-come. This is our Valentine box stuffed with notes, cards, and little surprises for everyone!

Can I eat my monkey Valentine from Grandma Kathy?

What's on the menu? Fruit Salad, Lettuce Salad, Garlic-herb breadsticks, and homemade Fettucini Alfredo, with raspberry cheesecake for dessert! My in-laws brought the frozen raspberries out a couple of weeks ago when they came. They have a luscious summer crop! The heart bowls were 10 cents at a yard sale last summer. A gal had about 100 of them from her wedding reception leftovers. I only bought 6 though!

My parents and brother Grant enjoyed the meal and time spent with us!


Mrs. Taft said...

How fun! Your menu sounds great :) It's so great to be able to spend holidays with family, isn't it?

annies home said...

love your celebration of valentines day the menu sounds great and the table looks nice

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