Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gone...But Not Forgotten

Last week a special friend of ours had a birthday.

Amy and I wanted to bless her.

30 reasons we miss Shiloh on her 30th birthday....

What was on the menu?
Pomegranate green tea and raisin tea biscuits.

Kids, conversation, and cookies.

The little girls wanted to have a tea party of their own to mimic us.

We may not have been able to physically celebrate with her, but thanks to the internet we could be with her in spirit.
Virtual celebration.
Real tears streaming down a birthday girl's face.
No longer in our state...
...but still in our hearts.


Thia said...

That is such a cool thing to do! I love the Happy Birthday message that appeared in several differen pictures. You're giving me ideas.

Shiloh said...

I just wanted to say thanks again so much for making me feel so loved and cared for! I love you guys so much and no matter how lonely I may feel sometinmes, it is such a blessing to know that I have you all!

Lesley said...

Awww, that is so sweet :) I bet she felt real special. You are a faithful friend!

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