Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Gift in the Mail!

Leah Rose, Laura's 17-month old and Jeremiah play together when we were on vacation in MN

I checked the mailbox eagerly. No letters! Bummer! Then as I was heading in from a quick run to the store, I noticed a small box next to our door. What was this? I hadn't ordered anything and no one in our family is having a birthday. I picked it up. It was quite heavy. I saw the tag and thought, "Oh! Laura has sent me some plums!" I loved her blog post on making plum jelly and she had offered to mail me some plums to make jelly with. I thought, "Boy that was fast! It was only about 5 days ago that I told her I would love some plums! " Upon opening the box I discovered that she hadn't mailed plums, but 3 wonderful jars of homemade jelly! YUM YUM YUM! One is strawberry jelly, one is crab-apple, and one is apple butter. What a wonderful friend, willing to share her bounty with someone who has no fruit to make jelly with! I'll be making some homemade bread this very afternoon so I can taste some of that jelly!

Thanks again Laura Helweg! And Congratulations on your big news! She's having Baby #2 in the spring!


Anonymous said...

You've a wonderful welcoming blog. I found it via AnnaS' blog. I appreciated what you shared on her latest post.


Mrs. Anna T said...

This is my first visit to your blog! I enjoyed reading your thoughts over at my blog, and it's nice to 'meet' you :)

And, that was such a sweet, generous gift! I'll bet it made your day.

Our Home to Yours said...

Oh Lindsey, I'm glad you got them safely!!! You're so cute to put it on your blog! I just wanted to share some with you.. having no fruit to make jams with is so sad! I hope you enjoy them! :) Glad they made it safe!

Chris, Tasha, Dawson & Lainey said...

What a great gift!! Oh, and I thought of you today as I found an article on Crocks...here it is, had to share!! Enjoy the jelly and your feet friendly Crocks :-)

My son (17 months) has a pair, and he loves them, always wants to wear them even though they are getting to small..they are so cute!!


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