Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Indoor Activities for Kids #10--Treasure Hunt

Beware! This activity will definitely be a favorite with your kids and will be constantly requested! It's a favorite game I used to do with the kids I babysat. Make clues (older kids can have clues written with words and can have harder clues, little kids need picture clues and lots of help) and hide them around the house in order, with the last one being the place where the treasure is hidden.

These chocolate gold coins were on Christmas Clearance at K-Mart and are perfect for the treasure! I wish I had gotten a picture of the delight on their faces when they found the clues and figured them out!

1 comment:

Heather said...

When I was growing up, one person got a treasure hunt each year at Christmas, and they had to follow it to find their gift at the end. It was always fun to see who was going to get it!

When my sister and I got older, we made Mom do it as a matter of tradition, even though we'd gotten a little sick of it! Now our kids have fun making treasure hunts for them (Mom and Dad)!

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