Sunday, September 19, 2010


7 Months
One day the kids came upstairs looking like this
Ali is on a "no toys" kick right now because she's sick of cleaning her room, so I took her bin to use for her little sister's things in my room. 
A dresser and changing table set up in my bedroom.
One friend gave me this beautiful crib that she no longer wanted and another one gave me this pretty pink crib set.  For now it is in the guest room but it will go upstairs when Katrielle outgrows her bassinet.


Thia said...

Exciting stuff! Glad everything is going smoothly.

Lesley said...

You look great! And you finally have a belly! :) I didn't think you were very big this time around but it's been awhile since I saw a picture. Do you think you're bigger or smaller or about the same as you were with your other kids at this point in your pregnancy?
I can hardly believe you only have about a month left! You'll have to give me lots of wisdom and advice on having four kids when my turn comes in April. With my belly already sticking out as much as it is at 10.5 weeks, I am scared about how I will look towards the end!!!!!
Hope you can enjoy these last weeks!

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