Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where Have I Been?

We sure have had a busy week!  It didn't feel super busy but now that I look back I'm amazed at all we got accomplished in the last week.  But, I didn't end up being able to squeeze in very much blogging!  I have lots of posts floating around in my head just waiting to be shared next week!
This last week I did Spoil Josiah week and made a bunch of his favorite foods.
Alathia had soccer practice and her second soccer game.  Do you know how weird it feels for me to not only have a minivan full of kids (that are mine!) but to be driving a soccer practice carpool?
Alathia has her spring dance recital (The Three Musketeers) tonight and she's had a rehearsal in addition to regular ballet class.  I did the rag curls thing again last night and she looks like Shirley Temple today.  I can't wait to see her dance on the big stage!
I got some sewing done, as I shared in my last post.
I got some annoying errands done....less emotional debt...whew!
I have felt incredibly fatigued some days.  My body feels like it's moving in slow motion.  No doubt it will help when I get off Unisom, but since I'm still throwing up at night some, I'm going to continue taking Unisom for now.
We had a park picnic playdate with friends.
I took all 3 to Walmart (30 minutes away) for a shopping trip and then met my friend who has 5 little boys (and is due in Dec with #6) at Burger King for a visit.
I made homemade cut-out cookies in flower and butterfly shapes and we made May Baskets full of cookies and lollipops for some folks we wanted to bless.
Justus came down with a croupy cough last night and has a terrible cold and fever.  Poor little guy is clingy and extra needy right now.
I had my first pre-natal appointment and things are looking good.  It sure is rewarding to know that there is really something in there, and to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time!
I went yard-saling for the first time this year and found some awesome craft stuff and some large glass jars to store my flour and sugar and oatmeal in (trying to get rid of plastic canisters and go with glass)!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Nice to catch up with you! Hope you had a lovely May Day and are blessed as you blessed others!

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