Monday, February 26, 2007

How I Met Mr. Wonderful

Those of you who know me personally know I love to debate! So of course I made the most of EVERY opportunity to debate theology in my early college years. I was in Christian Ministries class and the teacher told us to pair up with the person to our right and discuss our ministry passions. Guess who was on my right? We discussed our thoughts. My first impression of King Jo was that he was very shy and not very confident. He was wearing a Christian T-Shirt. I don't even remember what it said, but it had some typical Christian slogan on the back that I found to be somewhat "man-centered.". Since I was a new and very zealous defender of Reformed theology, I of course, decided to take the opportunity to tease him about it. I simply pointed to his shirt and said, "I used to believe that too." Then I left class, hoping I had encouraged yet another person to think more deeply about what they believed.

King Jo was absolutely driven to distraction by my comment and tracked me down a day later in the girl's dorm (it was a huge step for shy King Jo to enter this estrogen infested territory). He wanted to know what I meant. So I handed him a 500 page paper on TULIP and gave him a bunch of tapes and a theological lecture. What a way to win a man's favor!!! Who would have guessed that this hard-headed debater who loved to laugh at guys with faulty logic and hopeless devotion to man-centered theology and this quiet 17 year old with a deep and tangible faith would embark on an incredible friendship that ended in a wild romance?

*Of course he ended up embracing the same theology after careful study and numerous conversations on the subject, otherwise I would have never even consider courting him!*
*King Jo worries that this post might offend some of my non-Calvy friends. I assure those of you that disagree that you are no less a friend to me or no "less spiritual" than I because of your different perspective. But I'm not ashamed of what I believe either and don't mind stating it on my blog.*

Isn't it awesome how God can use even our most obnoxious traits to fulfill His plan in our lives?


Lyndi said...

I'm not familiar with what you are meaning in this blog. What views did he change to and how are your thoughts reformed-in what areas? just curious. :)

Lyndi said...

I dont think my previous comment posted, just wondering what you meant about him changing his views. what are your reformed thoughts? just the basics-no 500 page paper please:)!

LS said...

Well, Josiah used to be more of an Arminian, emphasizing free will and human choice in salvation but after debating/discussing/studying it with me, he became more of a Calvinist (also known as Reformed, because of the Reformation) like me. Calvinism holds to 5 main points:

Fallen humankind-we are born totally sinful

Adopted by God-God elects some to be saved

Intentional atonement-Jesus died to save everyone who would someday come to Him

Transformed by the Holy Spirit-The Spirit draws us to salvation, we cannot choose God in our sinful state

Held by God-all those who are true believers will persevere until the end

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