Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Be a Yay-Dee

I finally found a way to get my toddler to cooperate! It all started with my friend Heather sending me a link to an article on how to raise your daughters to be ladies. I began talking to Ali about what ladies do and don't do. She so desperately wants to be a lady that she will pout and cry if I tell her she's being naughty and not acting ladylike. She'll say, "Wanna be yay-dee!" If I tell her she's getting a spanking or a time-out it doesn't phase her. She doesn't care. But if I tell her she's not being a lady, she howls! It's so cute to see how she's latched onto this concept from such an early age. She'll often talk about being a lady throughout the day. If she does something she knows is wrong, sometimes she'll say, "Yay-dees don't do dat" before I even have a chance to. Let this be an encouragement to those of you with daughters! This is my little lady with her "Lady Glass" that Heather got her for her 2nd Birthday. (It's a fancy plastic heart goblet)
The link to the article on raising ladies:

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