Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Best of COF--Funny Stories

In January of 2006 I asked Circle of Friends readers about funny moments/embarrassing stories. This is what they shared:

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

One of the funniest moments I can remember is my "repetitious praying episode." My friend and I were praying together, after a long day, and I started with "Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day and for the sunshine." Then I peeked at my buddy and whispered "Was it sunny outside today?" because I suddenly couldn't remember. She started to smile and said "No, it rained all day. You've been caught in the act of repetitious praying!" We started laughing so hard we fell on the floor. I don't think we stopped for 10 minutes. It was both embarrassing and hysterically funny!
Praying While Tired

A friend of mine described how his mother was playing the piano at a local nursing home during a service there. After the service the people in the congregation were greeting one another. A couple elderly ladies decided to give each other a hug. Those around watched as they started to sway and unable to regain their balance both plonked to the floor. Neither of them were hurt but were rather embarrassed with the nurses rushing to check they were ok and not letting them move around until it they had been carefully assessed!
Hugs Can be Harmful

When I was a kid my family had an Easter egg hunt. My older brother explained to us that every time we found a hardboiled egg we had to crack it on our heads. It was great fun until I was the lucky one to discover my brother’s surprise and crack a raw one on my head!
Egg Shampoo-er

What is your most embarrassing moment?

I was water-skiing and part of my bathing suit got misplaced on me. I was not wearing my glasses so I did not notice this until my sisters let me know. Needless to say I only water-ski with a wet suit on now.
Blushin’ Skiier

When my daughter was a few months old, I was at a service where my dad was being welcomed as the director of the Bible Mission in his area. There were lots of older people there and at one quiet moment, my baby passed some extremely LOUD gas and everyone turned around and looked at me! Hopefully they knew it was the baby, not me!
Red-faced Mama

Recently, I came back from a meal at a cafĂ© to have my roommate comment that my T shirt was on backwards with the tag sticking out the front. Fortunately I had a jacket over it but it was not zipped all the way up so I’m sure a few people wondered what I had been thinking dressing myself that morning!
Unobservant Fashion Diva

I was in a choir in college that was supposed to perform one evening. I accidentally got up with the jazz choir instead of the regular choir. Instead of exiting the stage ASAP I tried to fake the dances and songs as they performed, which just made it worse since everyone else had a dance partner and different outfit. The audience must have assumed I was the special solo performer. It was mortifying!
Dancin’ Her Heart Out

I left an answering machine message once for someone and at the end I said, without even thinking, “In Jesus’ name, amen!”
Prayin’ Without Ceasing

My most embarrassing moment was when I thought I saw my brother in the grocery store (which is attached to the bank I work at) and waved wildly at him, and when he didn't stop, chased after him to tell him something. He happened to glance back, and I beckoned him with my finger. But as I drew nearer, I realized that it wasn't my brother, it was my sisters' professor from college. I quickly explained that I thought he was my brother, and ran back to the bank. My face was SO RED!!!!! When I told the girls I work with what I'd done, they laughed SO hard. Needless to say, I make sure I identify someone BEFORE I wave!
Wild Waver

I was at a friend’s house and got something in my eye. I went to the bathroom to find a cotton ball or Q-tip to swab it out with. I looked all over and could only find some panty liners on the shelf so I decided to use one to swab out my eye. It turns out it was a scented one and it burned my eye really bad and I caught an eye infection from it! When people asked about my eye, of course I avoided telling them how it happened!

I was a pre-teen shopping with my mom and I saw a boy from school in the store. I was really nervous around guys and he kept following us around throughout the store. I was so nervous I took off with the cart, leaving my mom in the dust and started hurrying down the aisle, trying to look busy and occupied so the boy would leave me alone. I would stop and throw things in the cart and then hurry on, hoping he would leave. He finally did and my mom caught up with me and we had to backtrack and put a cart-full of things back!
Shopping with Reckless Abandon

I was going to a play and ended up tripping as I was walking down the aisle of steps to find a seat. It was one of those awful, slow-motion falls. I wasn’t hurt, but some people I knew saw me and I was soooo mortified I couldn’t even enjoy the play!
Bringing Down the House

When I was pregnant, I worked as a cashier. Between the morning sickness and the dizzyness/faintness I had almost daily embarrassing moments of having to run to the bathroom to throw up in the middle of someone’s order or having to get down on the floor because I was blacking out. It was truly mortifying, even if people were sympathetic.
Gag Master

On Saturdays I'm sharing "The Best of COF" here as I no longer can afford to publish the newsletter. I hope you enjoy the tips/recipes/ and articles!


Lesley said...

Oh, I remember these! (especially my own story) Funny, funny!!!! I'm so glad you posted these.

Heather said...

I remember the answering machine "In Jesus' name, amen" from COF! What fun stories. It's good to laugh.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss the newsletters. It was fun to read the stories on your last post-the one about the two ladies at the nursing home was funny-glad they survived the hug=)

Anonymous said...

I never comment on blogs, but this one is awesome! Thanks.

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