Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Family Devotions

From the time we were married (4 years ago this June) King Jo has made an effort to have family devotions. Those of you who strive for this know that it's not at all easy, especially with various activities going on in the evening. I am so thankful he never gives up and keeps bringing us back to them even when we've had a week or two where we have forgotten them in the rush of daily life. The thing that has most helped us keep on track is assigning one day of the week to something. We've been doing this for about a year. This is how our family does it:

Monday-Bible Study night (no family devos)

Tuesday-Prayer for our country, our church/leaders

Wednesday-Prayer for missionaries and friends who need the Lord

Thursday-Study a passage in the Bible together

Friday-Prayer for our family (folks, sisters, brothers, kids, etc.) This one is the one that gets forgotten the most since we usually do a date-night-in on Friday nights and rent movies. Bad priorities, I know! We'll have to start our dates off from now on with prayer.

Saturday-No devotions since we almost always are with family or friends on a Sat. night. This is our "make-up" night too where if we've forgotten to pray for family on Friday night, we can do it on this night.

Sunday-Read a Proverb and discuss it.

We also try to read Ali and Jer a Bible story before bed. Josiah has been doing that for her since the day she was born! I try to read a Psalm or Proverb to Ali after breakfast and we sing some of her favorite Bible songs. Then she watches her allotted 30 min. of TV a day, her Bible Verse Songs DVD, which she LOVES! We pray with her before naps and bed too and often sing with her throughout the day.

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