Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Gentle Mother's Support Club--On Your Knees

How's everyone doing in the mothering with gentleness arena? I'm finding that it's been a LOT easier for me to be gentle when I'm not pregnant but that doesn't mean it's easy. I am still daily tempted to lose my temper with my spirited child or be harsh or unreasonable in my expectations. I do see improvement in my own life as I continually seek God in prayer for His strength, wisdom, and help in parenting.

Last night I was listening to a sermon by Piper on marriage and parenting and was greatly encouraged by something he said (as usual!). He talked about how parenting is hard and yet it is our business and what we are to be about. And we should read like crazy on the subject but if you don't have time to read a thousand books, you should fall on your knees and cry out to God, "Shape me into Your image for this child!"

So, that's my new theme! When I'm at my wits' end and don't think I have an ounce of patience left for my children I want to ask God to give me what I need at the moment for my child, in order to ultimately point them to Christ in everything I do.
In the comments section let the rest of us know what challenges/victories you have had this week in parenting with gentleness!


Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Thanks so much for you encouragment. I have a 3 month old boy and know I will need lots of patience. This is a great reminder even now when he is colicy and fussy or I know he is just crying to get his way. I want to train my child to follow Jesus and I want him to be what my son Josiah sees in me at all times.

Thia said...

Thanks for this. My son (middle child) has started with some really bad tantrums again and we honestly have no clue how to handle them b/c we've tried everything and everything hasn't worked!
I totally agree with you on having more patience now that we're not pg! I can't believe the difference. It's nice to have energy to face the day with.

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