This was a double batch since I was making some for gifts so I bought a little over 2 # of tomatillas (in the produce section). I peeled the outer layer off of them and washed them and then put them in water along with 2 jalapeno peppers (average size). Cut the jalapeno peppers in half but be careful not to let the juice touch your hand. It's wise to use a rubber glove or paper towel when touching them. I learned this the hard way a few years back when I was canning salsa. In case you do get jalapeno burns, the only thing that really helps is dipping your hand in sour cream!
Add 2 teaspoons fresh, chopped garlic, 2 t. salt, and 1/2 t. ground black pepper. Blend well.
Entonces, you are done! It's that simple! Once you've tried it, you'll be hooked!
Store in the fridge and use on top of nachos, enchiladas, tacos, or anything else that you think it might taste good on!
*This recipe makes a moderately hot salsa. I can't take super hot, but I like the hotness of this because it bites you, but doesn't make me choke or tear up. I usually need a glass of milk with it, but I like the heat, especially if I have a cold. If you want to make it hotter or milder, adjust the amount of jalapenos.
Mmmm! This looks good! I've never used tomatillos, and always wondered what they are for. I mean I'm sure they have SOME use right? :) How fun! I want to try it... minus the spicy-ness tho'.. baby can't seem to handle that too well yet. :) Thanks for a fun post Linds. P.S. I've never heard that tip abt the blender, but I'm glad to know now! Sounds like something I'd do.. :)
That looks yummy!!
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