
How crunchy are you? I have heard that term thrown around a bit online and wondered exactly what it means. I found this definition:
crunchy mama
Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie.
In our town, we have a different term for this kind of person. We call them NOLSIES. This is because we have the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) here and this brings lots of "crunchy" people to our town.
I found this quiz, titled, "How Crunchy are you?" Check it out here.
I got a score of 112. I'm not extremely crunchy, or super crunchy, but I'm very crunchy. I have used both disposable and cloth, and at times disposables have been the more frugal choice for us and better for our sanity. I'm in the process of trying to sew some All-in-one cloth diapers for my son for daytime use to cut costs a little bit in that area. I try my best to breastfeed for a year, but I end up needing to supplement some with formula around 9 or 10 months due to a lagging milk supply. I'm very pro home-birth and have had one, but I also recognize many don't have that option or can't do it because of complications or don't want to. I love waterbirth and highly recommend it!
crunchy mama
Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie.
In our town, we have a different term for this kind of person. We call them NOLSIES. This is because we have the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) here and this brings lots of "crunchy" people to our town.
I found this quiz, titled, "How Crunchy are you?" Check it out here.
I got a score of 112. I'm not extremely crunchy, or super crunchy, but I'm very crunchy. I have used both disposable and cloth, and at times disposables have been the more frugal choice for us and better for our sanity. I'm in the process of trying to sew some All-in-one cloth diapers for my son for daytime use to cut costs a little bit in that area. I try my best to breastfeed for a year, but I end up needing to supplement some with formula around 9 or 10 months due to a lagging milk supply. I'm very pro home-birth and have had one, but I also recognize many don't have that option or can't do it because of complications or don't want to. I love waterbirth and highly recommend it!
We can't afford to buy very much organic food, but my goal is to get us eating more of it and I'm trying to find it cheaply or on sale so that we can eat as natural as possible. When I have a home and a garden of my own, I will definitely mimic my mom's style of growing my own organic veggies and herbs. I'm leery of doctors, but use them when we have to, I'm a delayed vaxer, and very interested in herbal/home remedies. I'm very into the fertility awareness stuff for avoiding pregnancy/trying to conceive. Co-sleeping doesn't work well for us to get any sleep (though my husband is all for it--he loves cuddling with sleeping kiddies) and neither of my kids really liked being in the sling a lot. I've recently given up cow's milk (for myself, not the kids) in favor of Soy milk. I use some regular cleaners and detergent along with using vinegar water, but I'm wanting to use more all-natural cleaners in the future and quit buying commercial cleaners altogether. We do circumcise (unlike many crunchy mamas) and we do believe it is Biblical to spank our children (whereas the more New-Age crunchy types think it's teaching a child to hit). I'm excited that we might soon get a recycling service at our apartment building. I try to bike and walk where I can instead of wasting gas in my car. We don't eat a ton of meat (because of the cost), but we definitely aren't vegetarian.
I definitely won't be giving up make-up or shaving my legs, like some crunchies! I also don't need to worry about wearing organic clothes as no one in our family has skin allergies.
Being crunchy isn't my goal in life. Following God is! Most crunchy issues are non-moral ones and up to people's preferences. Life is short so we don't need to be too uptight! We also don't need to force crunchy tendencis on others. If I tend to be a bit crunchy it's because I want my family to be as healthy as possible and be a good steward of the earth's resources! If I get overly worried about eating food contaminants I remind myself that death is inevitable and God is in charge. Even if I bought all organic and ate the most healthy diet possible, I'm still going to die someday and so will everyone else. Reaching them with the Gospel is far more important than what's on our table. If you slack off in the food area and let your kids have junk food and candy sometimes (we do), oh well! Just don't slack in the area of teaching them Biblical values!
Take the quiz and let me know how crunchy you are!
For my friends in MN: I miss Harmony Natural Foods and Luekens (organic section) so much!
Tip for Crunchy folks planning to give stuff out to trick-or-treaters: My friend Lora is giving out little 100% apple-juice boxes she got on sale instead of candy. Since I already have some Snickers around, I'll have to try this next year. She also mentioned how little boxes of raisins or dried fruit or nuts would be a great idea too! I would take it one step further by wrapping a little Bible verse or invitation to AWANAS around the juice box on a piece of pretty paper!
I definitely won't be giving up make-up or shaving my legs, like some crunchies! I also don't need to worry about wearing organic clothes as no one in our family has skin allergies.
Being crunchy isn't my goal in life. Following God is! Most crunchy issues are non-moral ones and up to people's preferences. Life is short so we don't need to be too uptight! We also don't need to force crunchy tendencis on others. If I tend to be a bit crunchy it's because I want my family to be as healthy as possible and be a good steward of the earth's resources! If I get overly worried about eating food contaminants I remind myself that death is inevitable and God is in charge. Even if I bought all organic and ate the most healthy diet possible, I'm still going to die someday and so will everyone else. Reaching them with the Gospel is far more important than what's on our table. If you slack off in the food area and let your kids have junk food and candy sometimes (we do), oh well! Just don't slack in the area of teaching them Biblical values!
Take the quiz and let me know how crunchy you are!
For my friends in MN: I miss Harmony Natural Foods and Luekens (organic section) so much!
Tip for Crunchy folks planning to give stuff out to trick-or-treaters: My friend Lora is giving out little 100% apple-juice boxes she got on sale instead of candy. Since I already have some Snickers around, I'll have to try this next year. She also mentioned how little boxes of raisins or dried fruit or nuts would be a great idea too! I would take it one step further by wrapping a little Bible verse or invitation to AWANAS around the juice box on a piece of pretty paper!
Hey Lindsay,
I got a score of 91.I guess living by Boulder is starting to rub off on me a little. ~ Krista
I got 121. I'm like you, Lindsey, in that some natural things work best for our family as we try to raise kids to love God and care for the earth he created. Some things we don't do, like buying all organic (though we tried the veg garden and herbs this year), homebirth (though we had a CNM in hospital), herbal remedies (I'd like to know more about this), and we are vaccinators (with a bit of a delay on some).
But I have a crunchiness to me. My baby is on my front in a sling right now, wearing a cloth diaper (and I'm washing a load now, which I'll hang on the drying rack). Tonight, the baby will sleep in our bed. We use Natural Family Planning, and will soon begin courses to teach the sympto-thermal method. I use and wash cloth nursing pads. I tandem nurse (though don't publicize this a lot, and trying to wean 2.5yo!). I ecologically breastfeed the baby. I don't wear gobs of make-up. I have whole wheat bread rising (in the machine!) right now. Love recycling, blah, blah, blah.
I really love our choices, though they're not for everyone. If I've learned one thing through my short time mothering, it's that everyone has a different style, and parenting issues are the ones most likely to get people up in arms. We do what we can financially and physicologically handle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go hug a tree. ;)
Ok, I am not even kind of crunchy-but i'm not oatmeal either:)
I loved your comment about Boulder Krista! That's about the crunchiest town in the USA!
And your post, Meredith, made me laugh out loud (the end)! It's great that you do what you feel is best for your family without worrying about what others think. I admire you for nursing while pregnant/tandem nursing (ouch!) and going so long with it. My daughter was a biter so I was happy to wean her at 11 months, but my son is a very gentle nurser and so I'll continue nursing him for a while yet!
Do you use cloth feminine pads too? I've tried those in the past and they are definitely not for me at this stage of my life!
I'll post some herbal/home remedies I use in the near future.
As long as you are happy with your current habits, don't worry about not being too crunchy! A lot of it depends on who raised you and where you were raised!
Like I suspected, my score was low. Let's just say I'm a pretty soggy mama. :-)
Meredith, you tree hugger - you crack me up!
Lindsey, I haven't tried the washable feminine supplies...I'm not real interested, either! Fortunately, I haven't had to buy much of that since August 2004. There's something to this ecological breastfeeding thing!
Being "crunchy" isn't such a big deal to me, but being the best steward I can be of our earth and my family is a huge deal to me. I do think it IS a moral obligation to be good stewards of our earth and our bodies. In fact, I believe we are commanded to do so.
So I do what I can. God makes it clear that we are responsible for the knowledge we are given; in some respects it would be a sin for me to do certain things (like choose not to breastfeed). Not because it's some hard-and-fast Biblical rule, but because He has led ME and MY family this way. I plan on posting about this someday. :) lol.
I certainly don't begrudge other people their choices, although of course I feel that everyone should breastfeed their kids and treat our earth and ourselves responsibly. I do feel that Christians need to be more aware of these things, and take better care of the earth. I mean yes, we're all going to die someday. And yes, the earth will one day be destroyed. But the point isn't preventing my death or the destruction of the earth. The point is doing the right thing. The point is being obedient. The point is feeding my family how I would feed Christ Himself were He at my table. Would I really feed him boxed mac and cheese, when I KNOW the high potential of pesticide contamination therein plus all the dangers, possible and actual, of all the additives? Or would I bring Him my best? Would I be a Cain or an Abel? The point is doing my part to care for the earth He gave me dominion over, because the point of mankind's dominion wasn't to HAVE dominion, but to take it by cultivation. The Garden of Eden wasn't an end unto itself, it was a launching point. I truly believe, had there not been a fall, Eden would have expanded to include the whole of the earth by Adam and kin's faithful care. Speculation aside, I recycle, use my gas as wisely as I can, and support organic practices etc. because I want to do my best for my King. :)
Just my opinion. :D
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