Wednesday, March 14, 2007

When in the West

I'm so glad my family didn't have nintendo/X-box or lots of TV growing up. We made our own fun! In fifth grade, my best friend Kristen and I sewed our first skirts ever with her Grandma's help (out of old neon green sheets) and we would proudly wear them to school as if we were so cool! We also were fascinated with a book our class was reading called Naya Nuki about an Indian girl in captivity who escapes. We wanted to plan our own Naya Nuki trip that summer so we camped out in the pasture for a few days, swimming in the creek, building fires, and just having a grand time pretending we were in the wilds. We even tasted roasted grasshoppers! My friends and I formed a club for riding horses called Rebel's Girls (Rebel was my horse.) We also thought it was a hoot to hitch up old Randy, our billy goat, and be pulled around the pasture (or drug on our stomachs). Good times!

1 comment:

Karen said...

That looks like so much fun Lindsey! My brother and sisters and I played outside all the time, making forts and pretending to camp out! And
Krista, Melanie, Mindy, and I formed several different clubs, one of which was the Explorer's Club where we would draw maps and explore the woods around our houses! Very Fun!

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