Saturday, August 16, 2008

Could Today be the Day?

Just a note to say that I was awakened at 4 am with a strong contraction and they've been coming hard and long (average of 60 seconds or more) for an hour at exactly 8-minute intervals. Hope this is it! Maybe all those full moon theories about having babies really DO have some truth to them!

(I have a post scheduled to come up on my blog at 9am so if you see it, it doesn't mean I'm not at the hospital but home typing it! I just learned how to do the pre-scheduled posts thing and am trying it out!)


  1. We'll be praying for you and anxiously awaiting the news!

  2. Hopefully this will be the day! We're praying.

  3. Ooooooo. I hope this is it!!!!!

  4. Whoohoooooooo! Praying for you!!!

  5. you can't just leave us hanging like this!!!!!

    praying for ya just in case :-)
