Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The trouble with having a Big Sis

The trouble with having a big sis is that she sometimes gets the urge to share (once in a blue moon) and I end up wearing her "princess hat." But in spite of it all, I am a very happy little boy most of the time.

My Kiddoes

The kids are always learning, growing, and changing. Jeremiah still doesn't crawl, but is content to sit and look at toys or rock on his belly. Alathia is learning how to treat her playmates nicely and is a big helper and loves to go to the park and be outdoors.

Weekend at the Family Cabin

We had an enjoyable weekend at my grandpa's cabin and relaxed, played some games, went on some small four-wheeler rides, and had breakfast and "church" in the woods. We saw a mommy moose with a nursing calf in the woods which was really neat.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July's Here

It's hard to believe July is already here! I've been so busy with outdoor work and outside fun with the kids that I haven't blogged in a while! I'm looking forward to the Fourth of July in my town because there is a HUGE town parade and rodeo and fireworks everywhere, all day long and picnics, etc. Here's some pics of the kids!